This indicator returns the amount of NO2 that is sequestered by urban green.
- x
An 'sf' object with the urban model of your city and a 'land_use' column with categories of urban features.
- green_df
A dataframe of categories that are considered as urban green with four columns:
'land_uses': Column with the function to be considered in the calculations corresponding to 'land_use' column in 'x'.
'no2_seq1': The low range of NO2 sequestration of each function (in ug/s/m2).
'no2_seq2': The high range of NO2 sequestration of each function (in ug/s/m2).
'pGreen': The proportion of green surface in each function (0:1). This is overriden by 'edible_are' when land_uses are community garden, commercial garden, rooftop garden and hydroponic rooftop.
If NULL, the 'city_land_uses' dataset is used.